A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces.

Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading

Sed vulputate, nunc a cursus imperdiet, felis tortor interdum purus, non viverra justo libero et erat. Aliquam dignissim lorem ac leo egestas pellentesque.

H2 Heading Slogan

Large lead text + helper class that centers a single paragraph or block of text using the adaptive width

H3 Heading Slogan

H4 Heading Slogan

H5 Heading Slogan

Lead text large

Lead text medium

Lead text basic

Lead text light

H2 or H3 + Lead text large

H2 or H3 + Lead text medium

Heading with small underline

Aside text — a bit smaller than body text. Can be used in an info box or a stripe section with light grey background.

Small text vulputate, nunc a cursus imperdiet, felis tortor interdum purus, non viverra justo libero et erat. Aliquam dignissim lorem ac leo egestas pellentesque.

Heading with number

Proin viverra ipsum ut tortor tincidunt sodales mauris ipsum id ultricies elit. Mauris auctor nulla sit amet libero molestie interdum hasellus consectetur egestas erat, at euismod nisl sodales.

Text transform


Transform text with text capitalization and decoration classes:

Uppercased text

Underlined text



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras leo urna, licensed and certified, convallis quis nisi. In eleifend ligula sit amet lacus suscipit tristique tempor turpis aliquet. Etiam sollicitudin turpis in quam tincidunt lacinia. In Australia, there are around 18,000 financial advisers, non ultricies lorem risus nec neque.

Text color

black text
grey text
light grey text
body color text
primary color text
primary color muted text
primary color pale text
primary color light text
secondary color text
secondary color dark text

Blockquote, Links and Buttons

To reduce the risk of losing capital when investing, you should diversify your investment portfolio. This means not putting all your eggs in the one basket.Richard Smart, the Founder of Annuity Strategic

List Styles

  • Be prepared for your first meeting — and ask lots of questions
  • Expect a candid, casual conversation in your initial meeting
  • Small check list — transition to retirement pensions
  • Small check list — allocated pensions
  • Arrow list item — we can assist you to become financially secure
  • We can help you make smart decisions with your money
  • Dot list item — we gave our clients a high level of confidence.
  • We provided advice around a more efficient tax structure going forward.

Custom ordered list

  1. Make sure you have adequate insurance.
  2. Set some savings goals. Whether it is accumulating a deposit for a home, paying for a car or saving for a vacation…
  3. Take advantage of employee benefit plans offered by your employer.


NOTE: The Divider is also available as widget (element) in the Page Builder.

Each divider can be grey (default) or colored.

Solid Divider Line
Dotted Divider Line
Gradient line with "arrow down"

Integer vel enim mi, sed suscipit neque. Integer at enim cursus massa malesuada tempus. Nullam tortor leo, tristique ac tempus eget, vestibulum nec ante. Aenean sit amet lorem vel eros viverra convallis at eu metus.


Enim cursus massa malesuada tempus praesent congue molestie tristique nullam tortor leo, tristique ac tempus eget, vestibulum nec ante. Aenean sit amet lorem vel eros viverra convallis at eu metus.

Small Bar

Proin viverra ipsum ut tortor tincidunt sodales. Nunc id mauris ipsum, id ultricies elit. Mauris auctor nulla sit amet libero molestie interdum.


Nam in orci turpis, congue volutpat augue. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse lobortis consequat sapien, at accumsan justo condimentum.


Phasellus consectetur egestas erat, at euismod nisl sodales a sit amet lacus posuere lacus ullamcorper tempus.


Nulla ornare neque sit amet magna volutpat cursus sit amet sollicitudin massa. Sed a sapien ac odio fringilla accumsan, aliquam lectus ligula, fringilla quis ornare nec, sodales mollis nibh.

Note Separator

Proin viverra ipsum ut tortor tincidunt sodales mauris ipsum id ultricies elit. Mauris auctor nulla sit amet libero molestie interdum hasellus consectetur egestas erat, at euismod nisl sodales.


With assets under management of $250,000 or more, financial planning services are included in the investment management fee.

No matter what stage of your financial life your are in, we can help you make the most of what you have!